USA's Giant Robot Needs Help to Fight Japan's Giant Robot

$1.5 million to get combat ready.

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US based tech company MegaBots has launched a Kickstarter campaign so its Mk.II giant robot can be upgraded to fight with its fists.

Early last month, MegaBots issued a challenge to Suidobashi Heavy Industries' Japanese giant robot Kuratas. A few days later, CEO Kogoro Kurata responded saying, "I'll fight. Absolutely."

However, the fight is set to be hand-to-hand combat, and the MegaBots Mk.II can currently only fire paintballs. The Kickstarter needs $500,000 to add melee combat capabilities, heavy armor plating, and a higher top speed.

There are of course, stretch goals. "All told, a fully upgraded Mk.II will cost $1,500,000," reads the Kickstarter. $750,000 will mean the giant robot can have an array of both melee and ranged weapon systems. A million will mean that a high-end balance control system can be developed. $1.25 million allows MegaBots to collaborate with NASA to make the cockpit a lot safer for the pilot during the fight.

Finally, the full $1.5 million will mean that the Mk.II gets an all important "Hollywood-Grade Paint Job."

If you pledge $1,000 or more to the cause, you'll get to take a ride in the robot. Pledging $2,500 means you'll get to test fire its guns. Give them $5,000 and they'll let you punch cars, Japanese of course, hanging from cranes.

Both USA and Japan have a year to get their robots in full working order before the big fight.

Matt Porter is a freelance writer based in London. Make sure to visit what he thinks is the best website in the world, but is actually just his Twitter page.

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